Thursday, March 17, 2011

This Patina is GREEN.

On the way to pick up a particular light fixture, we came across this embarassing 'incident;' a State Highway Administration vehicle lost some giant strawbales!  Imagine the house these would make...
The new old 'green' lantern I bought today.  It was originally mounted on a post; I am going to hang it below the gable above the front door (ok, the gable that will be above the front door).  My friend, Amy, who has 'mad skills' has agreed to help my figure out how to hang this.  I think she may also have volunteered her husband, Kerry (also, with 'mad skills').

The walls of the second floor have been sprayed (1st coat) with a soy-based Penetrating Sealer from American Clay.  Tomorrow Jeff will apply the second coat.  Once all is dry, the tone should be a bit more even.

The approved septic tank installation as seen from an upstairs window - I don't remember which window.

Our double oak surrounded by snow fence to protect the root structure...from snow.
Hall bedroom #1 with sealer coat in drying mode.

The framed-in area below the window will be an actual wooden window seat; it will be more than just 2x4's.

The front door with plastic over it.  Above the door is the profile of the porch roof under which will hang the lamp I'm holding in the photo at the beginning of this post.
These concrete access things will be cut down a little so they are nearly flush to the ground - pun intended.

This is the pile of rock and such that was removed to make the hole for the septic tank.  This looks like a landscaping project waiting to happen!

Clara, how do you suggest I improve this post?