1) Power tools are good: I recommend using them for cutting and shaping bales as necessary.
2) Ensure continuous QC: ex. regularly test the clay content that is being used for your natural plaster (especially if you get it from your lot). Less clay = more cracking.
3) Buy or make tight bales; ridiculously tight. Tight bales are more dense, and dense is good for strawbale insulation. Re-tying takes time and a LOT of effort.
4) If doing it properly takes more time, spend the time; it will be worth it in the long run. Actually, this should be applied to many things in life.
5) Definitely pay attention to the orientation of your house; we are very pleased with ours.
6) Weather. Duh. It makes a difference.
7) Educate yourself; it's important to know what's going on. Again, this is good advice for life.
8) Know what is negotiable for you and what is not. Make lists before you start any project: 'must have,' 'like to have,' and 'do not want'
9) If something seems not quite right, ask a question or say something to that effect.