Monday, February 7, 2011

Garage Doors, Final Repairs, and Final Coat Test

Here I've torn out a previous repair - it sounded 'hollow' when I knocked on it, so that means it wasn't properly bonded to the straw.

A closer shot of the repair area; the tar paper that covers the window sill was cut back to expose more straw and the area was re-wet an hour before replacing the clay/sand plaster mix.

Spraying the top of the window jamb to prepare for another layer of clay plaster.

Sigi and Jim installing test patches of the finish coat.  These sample areas have different clay/sand ratios.

Sigi and I putting clay into the patch area.

Chris and Lance installing our garage doors.  I never realized that they get put together piece by piece as they're put in! 
(The garage doors that is, not Chris and Lance)

80% installed garage doors
Left door up close.

Garage doors installed.  The doors are delivered primed this we have to decide what color to paint them.  I'm thinking maybe the same red as the windows...I think.