Sunday, April 18, 2010

Slate Roof Reclamation - Day 2

 Manlift in front of house with approximately 1/3 of the roof slate removed. 

 Removing the last few slates from the main roof.

Dad operating the lull to unload the pallets of slate from my truck.  He's a clever Dad!

It was a long, but successful day.  The day was longer than it should've been because the manlift rental didn't deliver the correct equipment on Saturday; I requested a 45' diesel 4wd articulating manlift with a jib, I received a 45' dual-fuel 4wd articulating manlift with no jib.  We ended up working two days to do one day's worth of work - the diesel engine would've provided more power, and the jib would've made access simpler.  For more information about the difference between the two machines, go here to our Things One Might Like to Know page.